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DISCOVER TAJIMA >Things to Do>Hiking / Cycling >Mining Town Walking Course in Akenobe

Mining Town Walking Course in Akenobe

The mining town of Akenobe is a designated Japanese heritage site and this course will have you feeling the remnants of a flourishing mining town through its townscape. At its peak when the town was thriving it was home to nearly 4,000 people, now the population has dropped below 100 and feels rather lonely compared to those days. However, the townscape and impressive mining remains of Akenobe create an exciting and nostalgic view for visitors.
Ryomatsuda Temple
Ryomatsuda Temple
Route map
Route directions and land marks
1) Akenobe Rest House
The entrance to Akenobe is the “Akanebo Rest House” in front of the Zentan Bus stop “Akenobe”.
A popular facility with tourist info, “Cafe One Yen Train” and entrance for the one-yen train during regular operation days.
2) Ryomatsuda Temple
Go up the hill from the rest house you will see Ryoshouji Temple and the townscape where shops use to line the streets when the mines were still operational. The posters, signs and vacant shops create a backdrop of a time gone by when the town was its most prosperious.
3) Incline rail tracks
From here continue along the river for about 1km you will come to the then headquarters that look over the incline rail tracks that were used when the mines were in operation. These tracks are a superb visible remembrance to the past.
4) Dai Ichi Yokujo (The First Bath House)
Return down the road and on your way back there is the “Dai Ichi Yokujo (The First Bath House)” a designated modern industrial heritage building. Inside this modern building is a collection of various equipment and items on display from the town and its past.
5) Akenobe Nature School
Cross the Akenobe River and you will see a distinctive triangular building this is Akenobe Nature School. This use to be an elementary school that has closed and is now being reused as a lodging facility for groups. When the “one-yen train” is not operating this is where you come to sign up for a tour of the mine.
6) Kobayashi Liqour Store
Go through the tunnel and as you walk along the bypass you should soon see Kobayashi Liqour Store. Akenobe’s most enduring business that sells liqour and other various Akenobe goods.
7) “Hokusei Shataku” company houses
Continuing down the road you will see “Hokusei Shataku” company houses with distinctive blue roofs. Nostalgic company owned houses preserved in their original state.
8) “One-Yen Train”
Going past the Hokusei Shataku swing back the road towards “Akenobe” bus stop. On your way you’ll see the “one-yen train” Akenobe tracks. The train is operational only on certain days but you can still visit and board the train during opening hours.
Akenobe Bus Stop > Akenobe Rest House (Cafe Ichi-en Densha (One-yen train)) > Ryomatsuda Temple > Shops & townscape > Incline rail tracks > Dai Ichi Yokujo (The First Bath House) > Akenobe Nature School > Akenobe Tunnel > Kobayashi Liqour Store > “Hokusei Shataku” company houses > “One-Yen Train” Akenobe Line > Zentan Bus "Akenobe" bus stop
Route Category
In town
Type of Activity
★☆☆ Flat course(Elevation gain less than 100m)or less than 5km.
★★☆ Slightly undulating course(Elevation gain less than 500m)or less than 10km.
★★★ Rugged course(Elevation gain more than 500m)or 11km.
Distance About 4km
Required Time Walking time of about 3 hours.
Starting Point Start / End point: Zentan Bus Akenobe (明延) Bus Stop
(If coming by car your start & end point will be Akenobe Nature School(あけのべ自然学校) or Akenobe Rest House(あけのべ憩いの家)
Getting Here By Bus: From JR Yoka Station take a Zentan Bus on the Akenobe Line and get off at Akenobe Bus Stop (about 60min from Yoka Station).
By Car: Go to Akenobe Nature School or Akenobe Rest House.
Road Conditions Asphalt
Resting Place Public restroom: Akenobe Rest House (during regular opening hours), Akenobe Nature School
Rest area: Akenobe Rest House cafe (open only when the One-Yen train is in operation), Dai Ichi Yokujo (The First Bath House) when in it open (irregular hours).
Shops: Kobayashi Liqour Store (One-Yen Train goods, sake)
Signpost Presence Present
Guide Availability Not Available

One-Yen Train (Ichi-en Densha) Operation Dates:
2nd Sunday in April, 1st Sunday from May to November, every sunday during the summer holiday, the days of Golden Week Holiday (The train will be open a total of 16 times in 2018, dates subject to change)

Akenobe Mine Tour:
Available the 1st Sunday from April to October and the days the One-Yen Train is in operation.

Aside from the periodic operating days of the One-Yen Train nothing tends to be open regularly except for Akenobe Nature School and Kobayashi Liqour Store.

Contact Contact: Akenobe Nature School
Phone: 079-669-0258
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